Ageing / Wrinkles / Sag

Aging is inevitable, but aging gracefully is in your hands.  Both external and internal factors contribute to skin aging. External factors include lifestyle, nutrition, stress, sun exposure, smoking. Internal factors would include hormonal changes, chronic ailments, obesity, sudden weight loss, familial factors etc.

As we age, there is a loss of natural hyaluronic acid, a decrease in natural oils leading to loss of moisture and dry skin.

Speaking, laughing, crying leads to expression lines and wrinkles on the face which become permanent with age. The skin also loses fat and this along with gravity causes the skin to sag.

Science has advanced and there are a lot of nonsurgical techniques to address these aging signs.

  1. Skinlift / Facelift: uses tripolar energy to cause controlled skin heating to cause collagen remodeling and skin tightening. This ensures pore tightening, reduction of skin folds and sag. Its a 30 to 45 min session. Multiple sittings required, done once in 15 to 20 days to see optimal results. It can be done not just for face and neck, but also saggy breasts, tummy and hips to give tightening.
  2. Thread Lift: its a good option for people who have mild sag, but still retain collagen deposits which are sufficient enough to regenerate. When placed under the skin, threads not only hold the skin like suspension cables but also add volume to areas of sag and fold and defy effect of gravity. It is done for face, other body parts of volume loss like breast etc.
    Results are evident within a week and continue for 2 months or more. Effects last for 18 to 24 months depending on the age of the person.
  3. Botulinum: relaxes hyperactive muscles and corrects dynamic wrinkles. Results are seen in 14 days. Maintenance treatment is desirable after 6 to 12 months.
    Done for forehead lines, crows feet, bunny lines, frown lines etc.
  4. Dermal Fillers:  hyaluronic acid molecules placed in the skin, restore areas of volume loss giving a natural contour to the face. It is done for nasolabial folds and wrinkles. Immediate results are seen and the effect lasts up to 12 to 18 months. Done for nasolabial folds and wrinkles.

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