Botulinum toxin popular as BOTOX is a natural purified protein extracted from bacteria. It has a wide range of applications. In aesthetic dermatology, it is used in correction of dynamic wrinkles.The other uses include treatment of blepharospasm, excessive sweating, neurological ailments etc. Contrary to the popular belief, these treatments are widely used by people like you and me and not necessarily only by celebrities.when considering one’s facial enhancement options, this treatment is quick, affordable and result oriented.
As we speak, cry, laugh we animate our faces and over a period of time develop expression lines [ 30 years and above ]seen as wrinkles.Dynamic wrinkles appear on making an expression. [ forehead lines, smile lines, bunny lines, frown lines, neck lines]. Individuals who are habitually more expressive develop lines/wrinkles which stay on the face even when no expressions are made. These are referred as static wrinkles.
Botox works best for dynamic wrinkles and delays onset of fine lines. It relaxes the tiny facial muscles that cause expression lines, leaving the overlying skin smooth and unwrinkled. New creases are prevented from forming giving a younger and fresh look.
It’s a simple office procedure and takes just 10 minutes. The results can be appreciated as early as 3 to 4 days, though the complete effect is visible by 2 weeks. Lines gradually revert to pretreatment appearance after 6 to 12 months. After this, it is advisable to continue treatment.
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