Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

It is a concentration of platelet cells taken from an individuals blood . These platelets have growth factors that help in skin regenerative process and wound healing . Cells are newly created  and damaged cells restored. It stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin thereby naturally rejuvenating the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The rich concentrate of growth factors available also promotes hair regrowth and has given way to a new dimension in the treatment of hairfall.


PRP combinations:

It is combined with other tecniques like microneedling/ laser/ filler.


Its a simple 30 min procedure with a short downtime and one can get back to routine .

Its convenient as  only 3 to 5 treatments may be required spaced once in 2 to 3 weeks.

Its efficacious and no allergic reaction seen as PRP is harvested from ones own blood.



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